
She is Colombia (Ella es Colombia)

Beyond a mere production, this play signifies the portrayal of Colombia’s history and its social, economic, and cultural context. In this musical, three issues that have affected the country throughout history and continue to do so today are addressed.

“Ella es Colombia” is a Musical Theater production by María Isabel Murillo (MISI) that highlights the history of Colombia and its social, economic, and cultural context. In this musical, three problems that have affected Colombia throughout its history are addressed: violence, drug trafficking, and environmental damage due to illegal activities.

“Ella es Colombia” is nourished by the art of various Colombian artists who have used their artistic work to express their discontent with our past and present. Through music, painting, and literature, they invite us to analyze our reality, take action, and change the course we have taken as a nation.

In the musical, a problem is presented in each region of Colombia, but in the final act, the community comes together to build a country in peace and harmony.

With this musical, which we developed in 2023, we made the children of the cast, their families, and the entire community of our school aware of all the challenges in our country and we promoted a message of hope.

In the end, we believe that if we all work together with the same goal, we can build a better society in peace, a country that submits to the rule of law, and a population that protects our environment to guarantee our sustainable development, and that of humanity in general.

Little Genius (Pequeña Genio)

Our artistic expression against domestic violence and an invitation to the empowerment of women and children who must be able to define their own future

This year, our focus is on bringing to life the musical “Pequeña Genio” inspired by the beloved musical “Matilda.” Our version places significant emphasis on addressing global issues, aiming to raise awareness within our community, and conveying messages of transformation.

The first issue we tackle is the pervasive problem of violence within families. Unfortunately, this issue is all too common worldwide, with countless children suffering in silence. Through our production, we seek to shed light on this problem, highlighting its devastating effects and advocating for change.

Another crucial theme we explore is the empowerment of women. Our protagonist embodies strength and resilience, fearlessly challenging social stereotypes and defying expectations. Her journey serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of empowering women and girls to reach their full potential, free from gender-based limitations.

“Pequeña Genio” encourages our society to reject the notion that one’s current circumstances should dictate their future. Too often, people are held back by their upbringing or socioeconomic status, but our production aims to inspire hope and resilience.


The TT Arts and MUN Alliance is a collaborative initiative with a unique mission: training MUN delegates from Fundación Nueva Granada through the transformative power of art. TT Arts is dedicated to nurturing artistic talents, and through this platform, we equip students with essential public speaking skills, confidence, and creative thinking. By engaging in various art forms, students learn to express themselves more effectively, enhancing their ability to communicate ideas persuasively in MUN conferences. This innovative approach not only enriches their artistic capabilities but also hones their diplomatic skills, preparing them to excel in both the arts and international relations.

To further support our mission, TT Arts and MUN Alliance conducts weekly meetings and training sessions, providing consistent and structured development for the students from Fundación Nueva Granada. These sessions are designed to build their skills progressively, ensuring they are well-prepared for both internal and external MUN conferences. By participating in these regular activities, students gain valuable experience and insights, which enhance their performance in various models. This comprehensive preparation not only boosts their confidence but also ensures they are ready to excel in any MUN environment, representing their school with distinction and achieving reremarkable success.

Values on Stage

Values on Stage is a space where we explore the values that shape a better world. Through this video blog, we analyze various artistic expressions that serve as platforms to convey the values essential for a more just and compassionate humanity, and we evaluate the impact these messages can have on society. Values possess a unique ability to inspire reflection and drive meaningful change.

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